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Envol is Quick and Nimble – A Culture of Accommodation that Fosters Success

August 29, 2024

Historically, Envol has catered to organizations that are on the discovery side. These are companies that are still creating their innovations, but they have done a lot of work and spent a considerable amount of time to identify the technologies they want to use. They have reached the stage where they now need to make important decisions before they can move on to their next step, and they don’t want to wait a long time before they can take that step.

At this point, every decision about their development is taking place in real time throughout their organization, and every day lost feels significant. Because of this, our customers typically want to be able to begin quickly and take part in the process as we start their projects. Knowing this, Envol has adopted a culture of accommodation, with almost a sort of “hospitality mindset”. We like to have people here. At Envol, we make sure that people are happy. It’s as simple as that.

Things Happen. We Won’t Let that Impact Your Project.

It is not uncommon for us to get calls a week before, or even a day before studies begin, where we may be asked to make a change or pivot in some way based on information or decisions that are being made in real time at their corporate or investment level. These are the sort of changes that – in a lesser lab space – would have the potential of taking things off the rails before it even leaves the station. In fact, depending on the model being employed by the laboratory selected, there is a good chance that changes like these might even result in the program being moved to the back of the line while the process is re-evaluated (with additional fees assessed).

This is not the case at Envol. We understand these things happen. We prefer to work together to create a solution that allows us to continue moving forward and make it work. This mentality is just ingrained in our culture. We try to make sure that we respect people and we work to understand that these people are dealing with rapid changes coming to them within their organization and that can lead to impacts on their decision making. We don’t belive it’s fair to punish them for finding themselves in a phase of their work where they need to move certain decisions around.

Envol is Quick and Nimble – Every Time.

Many organizations may occasionally be quick and nimble – if their schedule allows, or if it benefits them in the moment – but ultimately, the story changes depending on the provider’s pipeline. If they’re busy or the situation doesn’t fit their needs in the moment, it’s “get back to the line” for most projects.

Envol just doesn’t do this. Period. We have oriented our approach toward accommodation and developed a business model around this mentality.

We are confident enough in ourselves (because we know we provide a good product, and we create good relationships) that we are willing to work with customers as they have constraints put on them that change their situation slightly. We value our customers and we will never change this approach, even as we continue to grow.

Overcoming Global Competition with Local Service and Loyalty to Your Team

Right now, we are competing in a part of the industry where domestic labs in China are being very aggressive, going after the US market. Likely due to the impacts of the Bio Secure Act and the problems they are having within their economy, etc, the Chinese attack on the US CRO market has become more and more aggressive. Even in the face of these pushes from outside the country, Envol has made the decision to stay the course on our mission to be a domestic provider and collaborator, providing high quality secure data within a time zone that allows for real-time reactions and teamwork.

Because of the costs associated with maintaining an infrastructure needed to provide quality health and welfare for the animals involved and to employ the caliber of experienced staff required to conduct these studies, Envol will never be able to compete on price with these Chinese laboratories; nor would we even want to. Instead, we will continue to offer a clear differentiator by way of our level of quality. Generally, if you’re doing things cheap in this industry, it that means you’re probably cutting corners that will ultimately affect quality… and that’s just not us.

Success Through Quality and Collaboration

At Envol, your project’s success will come from a combination of our established culture and processes. From the moment we bring you and your team onboard, your projects are our projects, and we see them that way. We want to succeed with you – as extended members of your team. We will work directly with you to establish what is needed at every step and adjust as needed to accommodate the changes that come your way as the project(s) develop. We will build a relationship with you and your team that will result in success… but also a genuine experience that will make you feel that you made the right decision. You will be encouraged to visit us and take part in the process throughout. You will know the team members working on your project. You can come and see what we’re doing. Once you meet your Envol team members and you experience the security that comes from knowing we are working to achieve your success, you will know you have made the right choice.
